On wimpy boardwalk where is the car keys

How do you win poptropica island Wimpy Wonderland? Where can you find all the coins in poptropica on wimpy boardwalk? How do get the bag in poptropica wimpy boardwalk island?

How do you find the son in wimpy boardwalk? How do you find the empty bag for popcorn wimpy boardwalk? How do you open the car door in wimpy boardwalk? What do you find in the sand on wimpy boardwalk? How do you get the money on wimpy boardwalk?

Where are the tokens in wimpy boardwalk? Is there a cheat for bingo on poptropica wimpy wonderland? Study Guides. Trending Questions. What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left hand? Still have questions? Find more answers. Previously Viewed. Where do you find car keys on wimpy boardwalk island on poptropica?

Give him the sunblock for his sunburn and he will give you Oily Suntan Lotion in return. Go back to the boardwalk arcade and see Greg tell you that the kids are underneath the boardwalk taunting you with the money, like so:. If you try to go underneath the boardwalk, they run away with the money.

At the Cranium Shaker, the boy with the helicopter wants one of those prizes from the boardwalk. The guy at the popcorn stand says that if you get an empty bag, you can get a free refill. Also, the lady at the parking lot is missing her keys. Tokens can also be found at the rides.

Many places in the funhouse offer tokens such as the top of the slide, the bottom of the slide, and near the door. Tip: If you have the metal detector, use it on the beach for more tokens. You can play them in any order, but the aim is to win all of them so you can earn the Jumbo Prize. Instructions: Click on the glove to throw a ball. Pay attention to the speed of the first two throws and guess the speed of the last ball correctly to win! Tip: Really pay attention to the speeds.

Instructions: Click and hold on the ring to pick it up. Then move the mouse upward and release the button to throw. Ring a bottle by throwing the ring hard enough and at the right angle.

You only have to ring at least one. Instructions: Click and hold on the ball to pick it up. Knock over all the bottles to win. Remember the guy said that if you can find a bag, you can get a free popcorn refill? Put it on the trash can by the funhouse so the bees will be trapped inside. Next, push it by the cotton candy stand and open it. The bees will become attracted to the cotton candy.

Dig through the trash to find an empty Bag of Popcorn at the bottom. Go to the popcorn stand and click to fill it. Go to the woman on the beach and dump the popcorn next to her.

Use the metal detector to search for the Car Keys under the towel. Go back to the bumper car line then drop it so that the kids will clear out in an unorderly fashion.

Probably not the best way to react to vomit…. Click the guy operating the ride to start your turn! Once you have successfully gotten it, make your way over to Himalayan Hurl and test your luck! Congratulations for passing the Games segment!

As you may have noticed, after each game you play, you got a prize to keep. But also if you win all the games, you get the jumbo prize! When you get it, go to the Rides at the boardwalk and give it to the boy with the helicopter. But when he slides down, he lands into a pool of balls in which Fregley seemed to be drowned in. Go over to The Beach and go at the edge of the sand and use the Fish Sticks.

However, you think that you could hang it from the Helicopter and use it as bait. Then the two items collide. Use the Helicopter in your backpack and hold it over the ocean, a crab will soon cling onto it. Then go back over to the Boardwalk Arcade and use the Helicopter near the dollar bill. The crab will then cling onto the dollar bill, preventing the teenagers from below the boardwalk to snatch the bill away.

When you arrive, the teenagers run away but Greg gets his dollar bill back. And for helping him out, you receive the island medallion and credits to spend at the Poptropica Store. A devious gamer has left an embarrassingmessage about Greg on a high-score list in the arcade. This part is for members only. You will need to beat the current second place high score by scoring over , points on Thunder Volt, a retro-style arcade video game.

The game comes in waves, and you need to shoot the targets by pointing your mouse in their direction and clicking. Move your cursor around the screen to move yourself, and avoid touching the targets.

The more targets you shoot, the higher your score! If the bosses shoot at you, avoid them. At the end of a wave, a Giant Enemy will appear. You need to keep clicking to shoot at it, but move around and avoid their shots.

Rowley, the kid on your left with a t-shirt that reads I Survived the Cranium Shaker, will ask you if you can help. Of course you will. The quest has begun!

Head right to the Boardwalk Arcade area and keep going until you see Greg. Talk to Greg, then head right again to an area called The Beach. You just have to enter the Beach area. Then turn around and head back left to the Boardwalk Arcade to find out what happened to the Big Kids and what theyre doing with Gregs 20 bucks! Overview In order to get Gregs 20 bucks back to him, youll need to outwit the Big Kids.

Theyre slipping the bill up between the boards and are pulling it away just as anyone tries to grab it. Youll need to get a crab to hold onto the bill to stop them from pulling it away. Grab em! Youll need them later to play the 5 Boardwalk Games. For now, though, dont worry about how many you have, just grab them as you see them.

Youll need to jump over a trash can buzzing with flies. The entrance to the Fun House is here. You can go in to see that Rowley is in the ball pool and his mother is there looking for him. But theres nothing to do here now, so head back out to Boardwalk Rides. Keep going left until you reach a parking lot. Its up to you to find those keys!


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